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Who we are


The Centre has the following aims :

1 . To promote and coordinate scientific research by bringing together researchers and teachers of Sapienza on issues relating to:

a) The development of methods and techniques for modeling, experimental characterization and production for the design and implementation of processes and products of potential industrial interest through the use of nanotechnology in the fields of electrical engineering , electronics , telecommunications, chemical and materials, biomedical , mechanical and aerospace engineering .

b ) The scientific study of the basic problems related to the application of nanotechnology in various fields of engineering referred to in point a). 

c ) The study of problems of industrial interest in engineering related to the application of nanotechnology.

2 . Train students and graduates in the field of nanotechnologies applied to engineering, promoting university training courses for bachelor and graduate and post-graduate students in the fields of point a) .

3 . Promote and coordinate the establishment of a PhD in "Nanotechnology Applied to Engineering ."

4 . Organize seminars and workshops on issues referred to in paragraph a ) .

5 . Produce scientific publications and patents that relate on scientific issues referred to in paragraph 1. 6 . Promote and enable scientific collaborations with research teams qualified in national and international working in the field of nanotechnology and dealing with similar issues to those referred to in point 1.

7 . Finding funding for research through the proposition of research projects of scientific, technological and industrial , to be presented at national and international level.

8 . Promote research collaborations with industrial partners on issues referred to in paragraph 1.



The Centre promotes , coordinates and carries out research and training in the field of nanotechnologies applied to engineering. To achieve its objectives, the Centre develops research on the following topics :

1 . Modelling and experimental characterization of the multifunctional properties of macroscopic and microscopic scale materials, devices and nanostructured systems .

2 . Development of techniques for the design of materials, devices and nanoscale and nanostructured systems .

3 . Development of processes for the realization of materials , devices, and nanostructured systems .

4 . Study of the problems of interfacing between micro -and nano- devices .

5 . Engineering of materials, devices and nanoscale and nanostructured systems , aimed to industrial application .

6 . Engineering methodologies , techniques and processes referred to in points 1-4.

The training activities promoted by the Centre relate to :

A. Activation of university courses for degrees of I and II level in the area of industrial engineering and information, aimed at the training of basic and specialized in the field of nanotechnologies applied to engineering.

B. Activation of post-graduate courses in the field of nanotechnologies applied to engineering.

C. Activating a PhD Course in "Nanotechnology Applied to Engineering ."



The Centre is designed to promote, coordinate, execute and control the activities of research and training described in Section 3 of this document. The CNIS is a Center of expenditure and administers funds and loans obtained through the formalization of contractual activities. The Board of the Centre has the function of defining the general guidelines of the Centre itself, redefining the scope and methods of pursuing the occasion. The Scientific Committee of the Centre has the function of assisting the Board of the Centre in the choices concerning addresses scientific issues by proposing the development of research within the activities of the Centre.



The tasks of the Centre are described in the Statute of the Centre which is attached, and consist in carrying out the activities described in section 3 , in order to achieve the objectives of the Centre's own same given in paragraph 1 of this document. The Promotion Centre promotes synergies and collaboration between teachers and researchers of the Departments of Electrical Engineering , Energy Engineering , Chemical Engineering and Materials , Electronics Engineering , Physics, Mechanical and Aeronautical Engineering , Aerospace Engineering and Astronautics (...) , University of Rome " La Sapienza " in general and , specifically, of the University of Science and Technology in the establishment phase , to achieve the objectives of research and education as defined in section 1. The Center also promotes the activities of scientific collaboration with external research centers and universities . The Center promotes collaboration with industries operating in the field of industrial engineering and information.



The lines of research that will be developed by the Centre since its establishment regarding the issues listed below, already under study by professors and researchers that make up the organizing committee :

1 . Materials, micro- and nano-structured

a) Design and fabrication of micro -and nano- composites

b ) Design and fabrication of thin films and nanostructured

c) Electromagnetic properties of multifunctional materials, micro- and nano-structured d) Dynamics of micro-nano- resonators

2 . Micro -and nano -electronics, optoelectronics, molecular electronics a) Component materials based on micro / nano-composite self-assembled

3 . Nanophotonics , molecular photonics

4 . Micro -and nano- sensors

5 . Bio-mechanical micro/nano-systems